Masseter treatment - FAQ

  • A) The Masseter muscles are a pair of large and bulky muscles on either side of the jaw that are responsible primarily for mastication (the chewing of food).

  • A) In some individuals, the masseter muscle can become overly active which can lead to pain and discomfort. This is commonly due to malalignment of teeth which can result in excessive clenching of the muscle and grinding of teeth at night. In addition to this, overly bulky masseter muscles can make the face appear broader than desired. As these issues arise from overactivity of this muscle, treatment with Anti-Wrinkle can give a slimming effect to the jaw and, in some cases, reduce jaw pain.

  • A) Anti-wrinkle injectable treatment typically starts to work on day 5 after masseter treatment and peaks at 4-6 weeks. The effects tend to last longer in this area than other areas and typically last between 4-6 months.

  • A) As the needles are very small the vast majority of patients receiving Anti-Wrinkle Injections are pleasantly surprised at how quick and relatively pain-free it is. Normal activities can be resumed straight after treatment.